mother felt it was important to make new friends…

mother had an active social life which she thought helped her lead a well rounded life…she often introduced me to other children yet most seemed rather wooden and often never spoke unless they sat on someone else’s lap…mother told me not to worry that my new friends were a bit unfeeling…that soon i could be the one controlling their speech…i preferred to go down to the cellar and stuff my owls instead but mother never stopped trying…she was not fond of my taxidermy hobby yet she never raised a hand or uttered a discouraging word…and now our home is full of lovely stuffed things


Author: mother's little helper

late at night the spirit of norman inhabits my consciousness and expresses himself accordingly...these visitations happen when they happen...they cannot be scheduled and the outcomes are rarely predictable...mother seems pleased when they do occur and strongly suggests that i share them with you...

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